Citrus: eating yanyan now
Would Be Goods: yay
Would Be Goods: what flave?
Citrus: my sister didn't like chelsea
Citrus: choco
Would Be Goods: MMM
Would Be Goods: my fave
Would Be Goods: :-(
Citrus: here, have a couple!
Would Be Goods: this mice is annoying
Would Be Goods: i mean MOUSE
Would Be Goods: dude
Would Be Goods: i used to eat all th breadsticks
Would Be Goods: and use my fingers to eat th choco
Would Be Goods: hahahaha
Would Be Goods: LOL
Would Be Goods: you cleaning it up?
Citrus: yeah
Citrus: and I am using that in my review
Citrus: eating yan yan with your finger
Would Be Goods: :D
Would Be Goods: give away th breadsticks
Would Be Goods: & dip yr finger in th choco
Citrus: hahahaha
Would Be Goods: and eat eat eat
Would Be Goods: yeah
Would Be Goods: give em very little choco
Would Be Goods: that's what i used to do
Would Be Goods: breadstick & little choco
Would Be Goods: give to cousin or sis
Would Be Goods: hehe
Citrus: they're kinda fun to eat. and better than dunkaroos, cus with them you ALWAYS get the frosting all over your fingers
Would Be Goods: :D
Citrus: but you get cheated cus the frosting well is so shallow
Citrus: that sucks, it looks like you are gonna get all this choco frosting but all of the sudden half the sticks are gone and you only have a little choco clinging to the sides of the dip well
Would Be Goods: hehe
Citrus: the side of the cup advertises that the breadsticks are made "with roasted sesame"
Citrus: but who cares? why is that a bonus?
Citrus: I have two sticks left and a tiny bit of choco
Citrus: I did pretty good rationing!
Citrus: I keep breqki
Citrus: breaking the bread stick
Citrus: dammit
Would Be Goods: hahaha
Would Be Goods: roasted sesame is yum on cookies
Would Be Goods: i care! :P
Citrus: the choco well is perfect size for my tongue!
Would Be Goods: HAHA
Would Be Goods: i used to lick it too
Citrus: : P
Would Be Goods: i take th plastic thing off th cup
Citrus: oh! I'll try that with strawberry. too late with this one
Would Be Goods: and prance around with it :P
Citrus: hehehe, guess what?
Would Be Goods: what?
Citrus: I am going to use this as my review!